

The visual presentation of burns and burn problems is critical to the understanding of burn management. We at Ask The Burn Surgeon present a series of burn pictures and videos that should help the reader understand and learn more about burns as well as create burn awareness. One should look at the pictures and try to identify the post burn day, the cause of burn (in some cases), the depth of the burn, healing or non healing burn wounds, the need for surgery, skin grafting or flap reconstuction and the presence of infection. We have provided only a heading for the burn pictures as the page is still under construction and as we add more pictures and videos, we encourage our readers to ask questions freely, which will be answered in detail on this site regarding any picture or patient. Please quote the image number  to identify the image. 
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1) 2 months post burn, hypertrophic scar nose ,  047

2) 2nd degree  burns, lower abdomen, genitalia, groin and thighs  038

3)2nd degree burns hand, wrist , healing  089

4) 2nd degree burns hand, wrist and forearm 191

5) 2nd degree deep  burns hand, 3rd week post burn  082

6) 2nd degree deep  burns,  hands,  third week post burn 080

7) unhealed2nd degree deep burns, healed 2nd degree
superficial burns, 3rd week post burn  005

8) 2nd degree deep burns healing with hypertrophic scar formation 069

9)  2nd degree deep burns healing with hypertrophic scar formation,
unhealed small areas of 3rd degree burn index finger and hand  068

10) 2nd degree deep burns with 3rd degree burns of inner thigh 023

11)  2nd degree deep burns, flamazine dressing day 5,  125

12)  2nd degree foot burns, healing, 18th post burn day  151

13)  2nd degree superficial burn

14) coal tar burns, 2nd degree superficial burn
healed, 22 days post burn 143

15)  2nd degree superficial burns 1

16) 2nd degree superficial burns healed,
small lenear strip of 2nd degree deep burn unhealed  (2)

17)  2nd degree superficial burns of the hand , wrist and forearm 054

18) 2nd degree superficial burns,  hand, 055

19)  2nd degree superficial burns, both hands,  053

20) 3rd degree burns,  untreated, needs skin grafting 029

21)  3rd week, 2nd degree deep burns of the hand and forearm,  104

22)  5 months post burn, hypertrophic scars, post burn scar,
after chemical  burns, deep 2nd degree burns, 161

23)  28 day post burn, second degree deep burn dorsum hand, 
 unhealed,  rest second degree superficial burns healed,  075

24 ) both thighs 2nd degree deep burns periphery and
3rd degree burns central area, needs  tangential excision
 of the burn eschar and skin grafting  134

25) burn dorsum hand, unhealed, need surgery - skin grafting ,
rest second degree superficial burns healed 074

26)  burn dorsum hand unhealed, rest second degree
superficial burns healed 076

27) burn eschar breakdown, untreated, 3rd degree burns 031

28)  chemical burns, deep second degree burns, healed, day 34, 116

29)  coal tar burns, bitumen burns, hands- day one, 144

30) day14, second degree deep and superficial burns,
electrical flash burns, knee, calf, leg,  137

31)  day 2  mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns  019

32) day 2 post burn,  mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns 018

33)  day 3 , second degree burns palm, hand wrist and forearm,108

34)  day 3 , second degree burns palm, hand wrist and forearm, 109

35) day 3, face burns, neck burns, scalds,
2nd degree superficial burns 166

36)  day 5, 2nd degree deep burns of the hand  060

37)  day 5, deep second degree burns hand and fingers 182

38)  day 10, second degree superficial burns, ankle burns,  155

39)  electrical flash burns, day 10, second degreee burns,
hand, wrist, 112

40) day 16 , second degree superficial burns, 
scald burns , healing  168

41) day 18, second degree superficial burns hand and fingers
healing  077

42) day 18, second degree superficial burns, 
scald burns , healing 170

43) day 20, healing hand burns  129

44) day 23 , 2nd degree deep  burns  081

45) day 24, healing second degree superficial and
patchy deep burns , hand , fingers,  072

46) day 25 , third degree burns neck, was treated
elsewhere by mebo dressing, should undergo surgery,
excision and skin grafting 043

47) day 28 post burn, 2nd degree deep burns healing,
 granulation tissue,   067

48)  deep 2nd degree burns

49) deep 2nd degree burn - day three after the burn 096

50) deep 2nd degree burns hand 098

52) deep 2nd degree burns hand  097

53)  deep 2nd degree burns hand  and wrist 092

54) deep 2nd degree burns of the hand, palm and forearm- day 2,  107

55) deep 2nd degree burns with some areas of third degree burns  101

56) deep burns , skin grafted , mesh graft, needing graft care  059

57) deep dermal burns, 2nd degree deep burns hand dorsum, forearm and arm 099

58) deep dermal burns, 2nd degree deep burns hand, wrist  100

59) deep dermal, 2nd degree deep burns , hand  065

60) deep second degree and third degree burns chest , untreated, with granulation tissue and scar hypertrophy,  044

61) deep second degree burns and third degree burns,  040

62) deep second degree burns forearm 180

63) deep second degree burns upper arm 176

64) deep second degree burns, flame burns, 139

65) deep second degree burns, third degree burns  041

66) electrical burns, post burn contractures,  mpj extension contracture, with post burn scarring , skin graft dorsum hand,  114

67) electrical flash burns, forehead burns, third degree unhealed , day 28, granulation tissue, rest second degree healed,  046

68) face burns 2nd degree  020

69) face burns, chest burns, deep second degree, healed, hypertrophic scarring, post burn scars, 045

70) fingers, hand and forearm, 2nd degree burns - superficial and deep 193

71) flame burns, 2nd degree burns healed with pigmentation  085

73) flame burns, 2nd degree palm burns 194

74) flame burns, day 12, abdomen , groins, genetalia, flamazine dressing, 042

75) flame burns, day 24 , deep second degree burns. needs surgery , excision  of wound and skin grafting  157

76) flame burns, deep second degree burns hand  102

77)  flame burns, fire burns, day 3, second degree burns hand and fingers,  111

79) hand and forearm burns  124

80) hand and forearm burns  190

81) hand and forearm burns   123

82) hand burns 130

83) healed second degree burns, deep on the fingers, with hypertrophic scarring 118

84) healed 2nd degree  burns with hypo pigmentation 083

85) healed 2nd degree  degree burns with scarring   087

86) healed 2nd degree  degree burns with scarring   and hypopigmentation and hyper pigmentation  088

87) healed 2nd degree  degree burns with scarring   and pigmentation 084

88)  healed 2nd degree  degree burns with scarring   and pigmentation  086

89) healed 2nd degree burns with  hypo pigmentation  078

90) healed 2nd degree burns with  hypo pigmentation  079

91) healed burns, second degree burns, legs, 24 days,  189

92) healed hot oil burns, scald burns day 18, 153

93) healed mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns 011

94) healed mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns 012

95) healed palm burns, chemical burns, day 22,  110

96) healed post burn hypopigmentation, full function, hand and wrist burns, 184

97) healed second degree burns foot dorsum 22 days post burns 150

98) healed second degree burns left forearm and wrist, 18 day post burns, 167

99) healed second degree burns of both hands following coal tar burns 144

100) healed second degree burns of the right arm, forearm, elbow, wrist and hand 177

101) healed second degree burns right shoulder and right arm at 3 weeks  146

102) healed second degree superficial burns 21  days , 169

103) healed second degree superficial burns at 4 weeks  056

104) healed second degree superficial burns at 4 weeks  057

105) healed second degree superficial burns hand day 18 post burn,  073

106) healing  mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns 014

107) healing , post chemical burns, 2nd degree burns palm and hand 105

108) healing burns, second degree superficial and deep burns , 20th day post burn, 147

109) healing burns, second degree superficial burns, 15 day post burn, left arm and left shoulder , 148

110)  healing second degree burns face, scab formation,  051

111)  healing second degree burns, day 19,  117

112) healing second degree deep burns of the left  arm, forearm, elbow, wrist and third degree burns fingers needing skin graft  179

113) homograft, skin graft, of third degree burns of the thigh,  058

114) hot oil burns,  scald burns, day 5,  showing signs of infection, burn wound infection, with patient in septicema, treated and recovered with antibiotics, culture - mrsa  154

115)  hot water burns, scald burns, 2nd degree superficial burns,  156

116) hot water burns, second degree superficial burns, healed , unhealed small areas , treated with flamazine ointment,   149

117) hypertrophic scars, post burn scar face, lateral view  162

118) in adequately skin grafted third degree hand burns with contracture, will need further release and skin grafting to provide good function 113

119) major burns, chest burns, abdomen burns, groin burns, neck burn, thigh burns, third  degree burns with deep second degree burns,  skin culture or keratinocyte culture technique ideal  - 4th week

120) mixed 2nd degree deep burns with 3rd degree burns024

121) mixed 2nd degree deep burns with 3rd degree burns 025

122) mixed 2nd degree deep burns with 3rd degree burns  022

123)  mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns 013

124) mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns 015

125) mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns 016

126) mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns 017

127) mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns  007

128) mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns   009

129) mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns   010

130) mixed 2nd degree superficial and deep burns    0018

131) palm and wrist burns, hypopigmentation, dyschromia , extension 183

132) palm burns  195

133) palm burns, hand burns 106

134) picture showing granulation tissue , not from burns, but from abdominoplasty in a  diabetic patient, needing skin grafting  175

135) post burn , electrical flash burn, healed , contracture, mpj skin tightness, physiotherapy 121

136) post burn , electrical flash burn, healed , contracture, mpj skin tightness, physiotherapy ,  silicone sheeting,  and pressure garments, 120

137) post burn , electrical flash burn, healed , scar hypertrophy, pigmentation, unstable scar, blistering post burns, mpj skin tightness, needs physiotherapy, pressure garments, silicone sheeting,  122

138) post burn contractures fingers and hand, skin grafted dorsum hand, 
second degree burns of forearm , 
wrist , arm, may need surgery to further release the contractures 115

139) post burn hypertrophic scar, face burns, forehead burns, nose burns, chin burns,  cheek burns, undergoing treatment with silicone gel application, pressure garments,  scar cream application, 049

140) post burn scar 160

141)post burn scar face, flame burns face 163

142) post burn scar hypertrophy and pigmentation 119

143) post burn scars 3rd month,  hypertrophic scars, neck burn, chin, lips, cheek burns, 048

144) post chemical burns,  day 22, hydrochloric acid burns, 2nd degree deep burns 006

145) right buttock burns, untreated 3rd degree burns, some epithelial islands , granulating wound 185

146) scald burns face 164

147) scald burns, hot water burns, hand and forearm burns 192

148) scrotal and penile burns second degree superficial burns, 052

149) second degee burns, third degree burns, abdomen, groins, penis,  day 10 039

150) second degree burns treated with silversulphadiazine dressing, flamazine dressing  126

151) second degree burns treated with silversulphadiazine dressing, flamazine dressing   127

152) second degree burns, mixed , healing , with hypertrophic scar, 071

153) second degree deep burn healing with raw areas of granulation and high possibility of hypertrophic scars,   066

154) skin grafted deep burns hand,  forearm with hyperpigmentation  063

155) skin grafted deep burns of the hand with full function , physiotherapy,  064

156) skin grafted raw area post excision of a giant naevus  174

157) suffered inhalation injury. face burns, healing 15 days post burn, scabs, epidermal peeling,  050

158) superficial 2nd degree burns in 20 day old infant- thigh burns, penis burns, scrotal burns 131

159) superficial burns face first and second degree , suferred inhalation 
injury, 165

160) thigh burns 2nd degree deep burns , central area of third degree burns, 133

161) third degree burns thigh with eschar breaking down, needs skin grafting,   132

162) third degree burns, chemical burns, day 21, needs skin grafting 136

163) third degree burns, skin grafted, mesh graft,  181

164) third degree major burns chest, abdomen, groin, genital thighs 88%,  140

165) Second degree deep and third degree burns, 
untreated, flame burns, 4th week post burn. 178

166) Third degree burns, untreated, eschar breaking down,
granulation tissue forming, for excision and skin grafting- burn surgery.

167) unhealed 3rd  degree burns and healed 2nd degree deep burns, 094

168) unhealed 3rd degree burns with healed 2nd degree burns , day 30, 095

169) unhealed deep 3 degree burns and healed 2nd degree deep burns, day 32 093

170) unhealed second degree deep burns dorsum hand, healed 2nd degree superficial burns other areas, day 23,  070

171) untreated 3rd degree burn 34 day post burn, needs skin grafting , hand fingers and forearm  186

172) untreated 3rd degree burns 032

173) untreated 3rd degree burns 034

174) untreated 3rd degree burns 035

175) untreated 3rd degree burns  028

176) untreated 3rd degree burns, exchar breakdown,  026

177) untreated deep 2nd degree burns with 3rd degree burn -  hand dorsum  062

178) untreated deep dermal, 2nd degree deep burns of thedorsum of the hand   061

179) untreated deep second degree burn, 24 day post burn, needs skin grafting , hand fingers  187

180) untreated second degree deep and third degree burns, needs skin grafting 172

181) untreated second degree deep burns with third degree burns , showing eschar seperation and granulation tissue formation, will end in scars and contractures

181) untreated third degree burns, eschar seperated and granulation tissue formation, for skin grafting 138

182) week 1, 3rd degree burns 027

183) week 2, 2nd degree deep burns 003

184) week 3. unhealed 2nd degree deep burns, superficial 2nd degree burns have healed  004