
Monday, January 31, 2011

Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

When an individual falls sick and approaches a health care setting, he rarely realises that he may acquire a new illness. Infections or diseases that are transmitted or acquired in a health care setting are referred to as Healthcare-Associated Infections or HAIs. As health care providers we have a responsibility towards our patients and it is imperative that we do not subject the patient to a new infection that could be fatal. Every year, thousands of patients die due to HAIs and millions are spent to tackle this problem.

Kimberly-Clark Health Care has launched a website "Not on My Watch"
( , ),  that provides tools and information to help health care professionals and facilities eliminate HAIs. Readers of ‘Asktheburnsurgeon For Free’ should visit this site and gain information and knowledge that will help counter HAIs.

It is time that we seriously dwell on the subject of HAIs, before it is too late. Every centre or health care provider must collect data related to HAIs and send it to a central agency which can put them together, analyse it and suggest ways to counter HAIs. We must avoid the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and focus on ways to prevent cross infection. We must never forget that the enemy consist of billions and billions of bugs and microbes that are perpetually scheming against our patient. If we are able to get together on a global level and fight this menace, I am sure we will be able to control HAIs.


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